Friday, January 20, 2012

For Our Great Donors

This post is for all those companies we've been asking to donate to our wonderful Country Fair Silent Auction. Here are the details of our event.

We are Southland Elementarty PTO. We serve 500 families, including 800 students in Riverton, UT. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to providing opportunities to our students. We provide Drug Awareness, a Science Club, Safety programs, Arts programs, Literacy programs, a Talent Day program and several Health programs.

We are all volunteers and work closely with the teachers and administration to provide the best possible opportunities for our students.

How can you help? We are having our annual Country Fair fundraiser May 11, 2012. It will include food, games, face painting, hair painting, and a silent auction to benefit our amazing programs. We are asking businesses to donate in kind items, gift cards or money to the silent auction baskets.

In return, participating companies will receive recognition in our newsletter, which is emailed to the 500 families that attend our school. We will include a recognition article on our blog and Facebook page to let the community know of your support. We will also put your company name on our Thank You banner which will be displayed during the week of our event.

If you have any other questions, please contact President Elect Katie Larsen at

Thanks for all your consideration.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Save the Date

The Country Fair is scheduled for May 11, 2012.

We will be having food, games, prizes, face painting, hair painting and the silent auction. Please put the date on your calendar, you won't want to miss out.

We are pleased to announce that we have several parents and local businesses that are already supporting our auction. Thanks to Krista McMillan, Jaime Gilson, "One Sweet Slice," "Over the Top Cookies," "Dollar Cuts" and The University of Utah supporting our cause. Thank you also to L. Crane who donated all our baskets. What a great surprise!

There are a few of you out there that have verbally agreed to help. If you still want to we need your donations, please contact Katie ( or Tiffany (

We will have many wonderful baskets for you to bid on. We look forward to seeing everyone there.